The next day was the opening week of the NFL season and of course we all gathered for the Steeler's game:
The original plan was to watch the game on the big screen in the house but we never made it inside because it was such a splendid day. Basked in sunshine we enjoyed a victory over the hapless Brownies while "tailgating".

We all enjoyed each other's company, got caught up on life, and reminisced about the past. We also planned our trip to the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. Doreen and I would get a campsite and TC would rent a camping cabin with Ron tagging along.
The Grand Canyon is located near Wellsboro, PA in north central PA. There was a trail at the campground that led to the visitor center of the state park that the three of them took and Doreen and I drove over.
A very nice overlook:
We hung out each night by the fire and enjoyed the rustic environs:
The men did all of the cooking and cleaning:
Tres amigos:
After visiting the overlook we took a stroll along the trail at the bottom of the canyon along Pine Creek:
We had four different modes of transportation on the trail:
Fifty somethings hearkening back to their inner child playing in the creek:
The scenery was gorgeous:
Ron picked wildflowers for the ladies:
We all had a voracious appetite after a lovely day and returned to the camp.
A rainy day the next day and TC and Chris rested up so Doreen and I took a ride into Wellsboro:
A quaint little town. We had lunch and took a ride to the west rim of the canyon and found the handicap accessible trail:
This was a much better vantage point to view the canyon. Luckily the rain stopped for a while and the resulting mist made for a beautiful scene:
After a three day stay at the campground we bid adieu to our friends and headed to Jessup, PA just outside of Scranton to stay at Doreen's mother's house. I parked the trailer in my mother-in-law's driveway and use it as my own little getaway:
We are having a nice dose of Indian Summer here in NEPA with the mercury approaching 90. We attended Oktoberfest at PNC Field, home of the AAA SWB Railriders farm team for the New York Yankees.
The vendors were stationed around the concourse and on the field.
Polka music and German food plus many Oktoberfest brews:
Wiener dog races:
We were having a pleasant time until Doreen thought she lost her cell phone. After using the restroom we had walked about halfway around the concourse and I stopped to buy some alcohol infused cigars when she said she didn't have her cell phone. She went back to the same restroom to look for it but could not find it. Of course we got separated and lost each other. Eventually we reunited (after the Wiener dog races. I wasn't missing that) and tried to figure out what to do. I was on my phone with Verizon, Doreen was enlisting the help of a Lackawanna County Sheriffs Deputy and I was stressing out.
We were now an hour-and-a-half into the lost phone fiasco when Doreen said she was going back to the same restroom one more time. When she came back, her face told the story. She said while in the restroom she decided to make use of the facilities since she was there and, as she got up from her scooter saw her phone on the seat of the scooter.--She had been sitting on it the entire time! Even though I made numerous calls to the phone her butt muffled my ring tone.
That is the end of this story.